Monday, April 15, 2013

21 Weeks!!

Well, it's official.............

Baby C is a.............................


We had our gender reveal party yesterday and it was so much fun!  And believe me when I tell you how shocked we all were that we're having a girl!  I was sure that she was going to be a boy.  My mom told me after that she told me she would have loved the baby either way, but that she was really hoping for a girl.  My dad and cody are still going to be the only boys in our family!

There are so many things that have been going through my mind all night since we found out that we are having a girl.  I have a lot of friends who have grown up and are emotionally scared because of issues from their childhood. I don't ever want my little girl to have some of the insecurities that I have had, or that they have.  My childhood was great, but that doesn't mean I love myself all the time.  I want my baby to know that she is so loved, and so beautiful, and that she can do anything she wants to do.  I don't ever want her to feel like she isn't good enough.  I hope she grows up to be a strong, confident, beautiful woman. 

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