I knew before having Ellie that things would be different when she got here. I don't want to say that I wasn't prepared for the changes, because I was. I knew I'd get less sleep, I'd have a harder time going out in public, I wouldn't get as much time with friends. And as much as I love having her in my life, and I can no longer imagine my life without her, I still sometimes mourn my life before baby.
Last week, one of my best friends graduated from Nursing School. Before Ellie, I wouldn't have even thought twice about making sure I was there. She had her graduation/halloween party last night. I love halloween, and dressing up, and parties. :) So when I got the invitation, my first instinct was to figure out what I was going to dress up as. And then I got thinking about Ellie, and what I was going to do with her. I knew that I didn't want to leave her home. This party was 3 hours away, and if I went I'd end up spending the night, because I wouldn't want to drive home late at night. Which means I'd have to leave Ellie overnight, which I am absolutely not willing to do yet. I could bring her with me....but I knew that Cody would be sad because that meant not seeing her for over 24 hours. Plus, I wasn't sure I was ready to travel that far with her. We would have to make more stops than usual, and what is a 3 hour drive would most likely turn into a 4 or 5 hour drive. And once we got there, what would I do with her? There was going to be drinking, and tons of people, and I wasn't sure I'd want to expose her to all that. She's only 8 weeks old, she still gets overstimulated if there is too much going on. And I wouldn't drive home late at night with her, so I'd have to bring her pack and play, and my breast pump, and her bouncy seat....and it just turned into something that was way more than I was willing to do.
So, I had to miss out.
My sister and her friend went. I saw lots of pictures on facebook, that made me a bit sad that I wasn't there. But I knew I had made the right choice.
Instead, I went to dinner with Cody's family. His grandma leaves for Florida for the winter on Monday and every year, they do dinner together as a whole family. So I was able to bring Ellie to meet some family that she hasn't met before. It was alright, I knew I'd have had more fun if I was with my friends, but hanging out with them meant that I was going to have an evening of hanging out with my baby, which meant so much more to me than dressing up in a costume and drinking much more than I should.
Last year, I wouldn't have even entertained the idea of not going to the party, and this year, I'm so glad I decided to stay home to cuddle my girl.
Like I said, baby changes everything. <3
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Elliot's Birth Story
I'm currently sitting on the couch, with Ellie fast asleep on my chest. She's been asleep for the last 3 hours, and should be awake any minute, wanting to eat. I'm exhausted, and should be sleeping while she is asleep, but I can't help but sit and stare at her beautiful face, or enjoy the cuddles of her sound asleep little body.
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. They have been fun, and tiring, and frustrating, and amazing, and beautiful, all at the same time. I promise I will eventually catch everyone up on what has been going on (besides the same sleep, change, feed, repeat routine).
But for now, I need to write out Elliot's birth story. If not for you guys, then for me. It is a day I never want to forget. It was a beautiful day, and I hope that I can do it justice as I remember the details of the best day of my life.
Friday, August 30
I had an appointment with my midwife that afternoon at 1pm. I was 40weeks, 4 days pregnant. Because I was overdue, this appointment was only 3 days after my previous appointment. I had only been 1cm dilated, and there was no signs of labor in sight. Cody and I had spent Thursday evening trying every trick in the book to induce labor. Walking, sex, foods, labor ball - we did it all. I was hoping that at the appointment on Friday, she'd tell me I'd somehow progressed like crazy and that we could be expecting a baby at any time.
My mom and I had lunch at Panera Bread that afternoon. Cody had to work, and wasn't going to be able to get out of work in time to make it to the appointment. So, I asked my mom to go with. I figured that, since I had a NST and an Ultrasound appointment after my midwife appointment, and I thought my mom would love to be there for the Ultrasound.
We got to the doctors office, and went right in. My normal midwife, Deb, wasn't around, so we were seeing Allison. Of all the midwives in the office, she was my second favorite, so I'm glad she was there that day if Deb wasn't able to be. She went through all of the normal questions, and checked for a heartbeat. The baby hadn't been as active as normal, so I was very anxious to hear the heartbeat. She had a hard time finding it, just because of how the baby was laying. She was laying posterior, so she was up against my spine. We finally were able to find the heartbeat, and we then talked about an induction plan. The hospital would only let us go 10 days after my due date, so Wednesday, September 4 would be the day I'd head into the hospital to start the induction process.
I had wanted her to check to see if I was dilated, and I also wanted to try to strip my membranes. She checked and I was only dilated to a 1.5. So I'd only progressed about half a cm, which wasn't very promising. She said that she would strip my membranes, but unless my body was ready to go into labor, it wouldn't do anything. I was worried that it was going to hurt, but it really didn't hurt any more than a normal cervix check.
After we were all done in that appointment, we went next door to the NST room. She hooked me up to all of the machines, and again, we had a hard time finding a strong heartbeat. They have this thing that will send a vibration to the baby, to wake her up, so we tried that right away. We sat in the room for about 10 minutes, and when the nurse came back in, she said that it hadn't really woken up the baby much. They want to see some variations in the heartbeat, indicating that the baby is moving as she should be. The next step was to drink some apple juice. Apparently, the coldness, and the sugar, will often get the baby moving. We sat in the room for another 5 minutes or so, and she came back in and did the vibration thing again. 10 more minutes, and both the nurse and Allison came in and checked. They said that there were some variations in the heartbeat, but not enough. Allison was glad that I had an ultrasound scheduled next, because if I hadn't, she would have sent me over there anyway. So, we headed to the ultrasound room.
I love Ultrasounds. I know that they suggest not doing too many, because they don't really know how they can affect the baby, so because of that I didn't want too many, but it's so much fun to see what your little baby is doing in your belly. It really was the only way that I truly believed that I was pregnant, because I hadn't felt movement for so long. So, we started the ultrasound. She checked everything that we had checked at the 20 week scan - heartbeat, stomach, kidneys, measurements, etc. She then checked the fluid. After she checked everything, I would ask "is that good?" because I was starting to get worried something was wrong due to the heart rate issues. When she checked the fluid levels, she said "I'll have Allison explain all of this stuff to you", and right away my heart dropped, because I just had a feeling that something was wrong. At the end, just like she had at our 36 week scan, she told me their prediction of the size of the baby - and she said our baby was measuring at 10lbs 13oz! Holy big baby! That was not at all what we were expecting, because at our 36 week ultrasound, she was measuring at 6lbs 5oz. After everything was done and she printed a couple of pictures for me, she went out and got Allison. As we were sitting in the room, waiting for them to come back, I told my mom that I had a feeling my fluid levels were low, and they were going to want to induce me that day.
Allison came in the room, and she told me exactly what I thought - I had very low fluid levels. I was a little worried, because at my Tuesday appointment, I had asked Deb if it was possible that I was slowly leaking fluid. I wasn't sure if what I had was normal discharge, or if it was fluid that I was leaking, and she told me that if I was leaking fluid, I would know for sure, I wouldn't question it. Allison said that because of my low fluid levels, that is why the baby wouldn't "wake up", because she really had no fluid to move around in. She said that the best option would be to induce me that evening. Her other concern was the size of the baby. She said that often, with a baby that large, mothers end up in a C-Section. She said it is absolutely possible to vaginally deliver a big baby, and if I really wanted, we could just go ahead with the induction process. She warned me that it is possible that we go through the induction process, and I labor for a while, and end up with a C-Section anyway. I had fully intended on having a natural birth, and really thought about just being induced and trying it that way. I then thought about the possibility of needing a C-Section. I didn't want to have all sorts of drugs pumped into me (pitocin to start things, and then the epidural I'd probably end up getting due to the intensity of pitocin contractions), and then end up needing a C-Section anyway. I thought the c-section would be easier on my body and on the baby, and after calling Cody and talking with him, I decided to go ahead with the c-section.
Because we had eaten at noon, and they suggest waiting 8 hours after eating before surgery, my surgery would be planned for 8pm that evening. We left the doctors office, and everyone was talking about the fact that I was going to be having an 11lb baby, and they all wanted to see her once she was born. We made all of the necessary calls. Cody was on his way home from work. My dad was leaving work early, and going to my house to pick up Remy to take her to their house for the weekend. My sister was coming to town (she lives about 45 minutes away). I dropped my mom off, and went home to get Cody. I was glad to have the few minutes of alone time driving, because a lot had happened in the last few hours and I really needed to process everything, and think about the fact that I was going to have a baby that evening!
When I got home, I explained the whole day to Cody as we got our final things together and headed to the hospital. I was so hungry, and so was Cody, but of course I couldn't eat. I didn't know when Cody would be able to eat, so he went through the McDonalds drive-thru on our way to the hospital. Once we got to the hospital and got to our room, they had me change and get in bed right away. We weren't even there 10 minutes before I was already being hooked up to things. They hooked me up to the monitor, and took my blood pressure, and started an IV of fluids, and put some compression socks on me. I was all hooked up and ready to go by 6pm. The nurse then told me that my surgery would be pushed back because they had to bring someone in for an emergency c-section. She said that they were told my surgery would be at 6pm, even though we thought it'd be at 8! I'm glad it wasn't that early, because none of our family was there yet.
Cody's parents were coming from up north about an hour away, where they were camping. They got there first, around 6:30. Soon after, his brother and sister in law, and then my family showed up. Everyone was just hanging out in my room until the nurse came in and told me that it was time and they were going to be taking me in. Everyone left, and Cody and I got about 15 minutes together alone, and it was so weird to think that would be the last time we'd spend together as a family of 2.
Finally, it was time to go in. They had Cody wait in the room while they took me in. I remember the room being so bright, and the table seeming so small! They had me sit on the table, and lean over while they did my spinal. I was so worried that it was going to hurt, but it really didn't hurt too bad. I was leaning over a pillow, and Allison was hugging me so that I didn't move. I started to get dizzy, mostly because I was breathing into a pillow and it was hard to breath, and I think because I was getting nervous. I'd never had surgery before! Once the spinal started to work, my legs felt really warm before becoming completely numb. It was so weird to need help getting my bottom half back up on the table. Since they didn't want me to be completely flat on my back, they rolled me over and put a wedge under me, so I was slightly leaning toward the left. The whole thing felt so weird, since I couldn't move. I kept asking if I could help them by doing something, but they kept assuring me that even if I tried to help, I wouldn't be able to. At one point, my leg slid off the table and they had to jump to catch it. I felt bad that I couldn't just lift my leg up.
Cody came into the room at that point. They were getting ready to put a catheter in, which I was really nervous about. They kept assuring me that I was numb enough to where I wouldn't feel anything, which of course, I didn't. After Cody came in the room, the whole process went so fast. I remember the anesthesiologist talking to me the whole time. Cody luckily took a video of when they pulled her out. It was so incredible to see them pull this person out of my stomach. She was crying, but I don't remember hearing her. I asked over and over again why she wasn't crying, and they kept telling me she was. And then they told me that there was no way she was almost 11lbs. When they held her over the curtain for me to see her, all I could think about was how beautiful she was, and how she was much more beautiful than I could have imagined. They cleaned her up, and then Cody went with her back to our room, as they closed me up. When they were closing me up, they were talking about where to get dinner (which made me so sad because I was hungry but couldn't eat until the next day!), and they talked about my husbands restaurant. I told them that they could go in and tell them that they just delivered Cody's baby, and probably get some free food. :)
Once I got back to our room, I finally got to hold her. I was so in love with her. The nurses helped me get into a position so I could nurse her. I don't remember how long I nursed her for, but I was happy that I was able to nurse her so soon after she was born. After I was done, my family came in, and they all got to love on her, and then Cody's family came in after. It was pretty late by the time they left, so we all settled in and went to bed. They had to take Ellie to do some tests, and they ended up keeping her at the desk for a few hours, so we could get a couple of hours of sleep. I, of course, didn't sleep because I didn't really know they were going to keep her, so I stayed awake waiting for her to come back in. The nurse came in at 6am to help me out of bed and into the chair, because she needed to be fed.
After that, the next two days were a bit of a blur. We had lots of visitors, we spent a lot of time nursing and snuggling with our new baby, and we spent a lot of time not sleeping. It was a great couple of days, and coming home was hard and scary, but we have been surviving. Cody is back to work, and I'm home all day with Elliot, we've even got a routine down.
Sorry this is so long, but as I said, I wanted to get down as much as possible, for me to remember as well as share the experience with you. :)
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. They have been fun, and tiring, and frustrating, and amazing, and beautiful, all at the same time. I promise I will eventually catch everyone up on what has been going on (besides the same sleep, change, feed, repeat routine).
But for now, I need to write out Elliot's birth story. If not for you guys, then for me. It is a day I never want to forget. It was a beautiful day, and I hope that I can do it justice as I remember the details of the best day of my life.
Friday, August 30
I had an appointment with my midwife that afternoon at 1pm. I was 40weeks, 4 days pregnant. Because I was overdue, this appointment was only 3 days after my previous appointment. I had only been 1cm dilated, and there was no signs of labor in sight. Cody and I had spent Thursday evening trying every trick in the book to induce labor. Walking, sex, foods, labor ball - we did it all. I was hoping that at the appointment on Friday, she'd tell me I'd somehow progressed like crazy and that we could be expecting a baby at any time.
My mom and I had lunch at Panera Bread that afternoon. Cody had to work, and wasn't going to be able to get out of work in time to make it to the appointment. So, I asked my mom to go with. I figured that, since I had a NST and an Ultrasound appointment after my midwife appointment, and I thought my mom would love to be there for the Ultrasound.
We got to the doctors office, and went right in. My normal midwife, Deb, wasn't around, so we were seeing Allison. Of all the midwives in the office, she was my second favorite, so I'm glad she was there that day if Deb wasn't able to be. She went through all of the normal questions, and checked for a heartbeat. The baby hadn't been as active as normal, so I was very anxious to hear the heartbeat. She had a hard time finding it, just because of how the baby was laying. She was laying posterior, so she was up against my spine. We finally were able to find the heartbeat, and we then talked about an induction plan. The hospital would only let us go 10 days after my due date, so Wednesday, September 4 would be the day I'd head into the hospital to start the induction process.
I had wanted her to check to see if I was dilated, and I also wanted to try to strip my membranes. She checked and I was only dilated to a 1.5. So I'd only progressed about half a cm, which wasn't very promising. She said that she would strip my membranes, but unless my body was ready to go into labor, it wouldn't do anything. I was worried that it was going to hurt, but it really didn't hurt any more than a normal cervix check.
After we were all done in that appointment, we went next door to the NST room. She hooked me up to all of the machines, and again, we had a hard time finding a strong heartbeat. They have this thing that will send a vibration to the baby, to wake her up, so we tried that right away. We sat in the room for about 10 minutes, and when the nurse came back in, she said that it hadn't really woken up the baby much. They want to see some variations in the heartbeat, indicating that the baby is moving as she should be. The next step was to drink some apple juice. Apparently, the coldness, and the sugar, will often get the baby moving. We sat in the room for another 5 minutes or so, and she came back in and did the vibration thing again. 10 more minutes, and both the nurse and Allison came in and checked. They said that there were some variations in the heartbeat, but not enough. Allison was glad that I had an ultrasound scheduled next, because if I hadn't, she would have sent me over there anyway. So, we headed to the ultrasound room.
I love Ultrasounds. I know that they suggest not doing too many, because they don't really know how they can affect the baby, so because of that I didn't want too many, but it's so much fun to see what your little baby is doing in your belly. It really was the only way that I truly believed that I was pregnant, because I hadn't felt movement for so long. So, we started the ultrasound. She checked everything that we had checked at the 20 week scan - heartbeat, stomach, kidneys, measurements, etc. She then checked the fluid. After she checked everything, I would ask "is that good?" because I was starting to get worried something was wrong due to the heart rate issues. When she checked the fluid levels, she said "I'll have Allison explain all of this stuff to you", and right away my heart dropped, because I just had a feeling that something was wrong. At the end, just like she had at our 36 week scan, she told me their prediction of the size of the baby - and she said our baby was measuring at 10lbs 13oz! Holy big baby! That was not at all what we were expecting, because at our 36 week ultrasound, she was measuring at 6lbs 5oz. After everything was done and she printed a couple of pictures for me, she went out and got Allison. As we were sitting in the room, waiting for them to come back, I told my mom that I had a feeling my fluid levels were low, and they were going to want to induce me that day.
Allison came in the room, and she told me exactly what I thought - I had very low fluid levels. I was a little worried, because at my Tuesday appointment, I had asked Deb if it was possible that I was slowly leaking fluid. I wasn't sure if what I had was normal discharge, or if it was fluid that I was leaking, and she told me that if I was leaking fluid, I would know for sure, I wouldn't question it. Allison said that because of my low fluid levels, that is why the baby wouldn't "wake up", because she really had no fluid to move around in. She said that the best option would be to induce me that evening. Her other concern was the size of the baby. She said that often, with a baby that large, mothers end up in a C-Section. She said it is absolutely possible to vaginally deliver a big baby, and if I really wanted, we could just go ahead with the induction process. She warned me that it is possible that we go through the induction process, and I labor for a while, and end up with a C-Section anyway. I had fully intended on having a natural birth, and really thought about just being induced and trying it that way. I then thought about the possibility of needing a C-Section. I didn't want to have all sorts of drugs pumped into me (pitocin to start things, and then the epidural I'd probably end up getting due to the intensity of pitocin contractions), and then end up needing a C-Section anyway. I thought the c-section would be easier on my body and on the baby, and after calling Cody and talking with him, I decided to go ahead with the c-section.
Because we had eaten at noon, and they suggest waiting 8 hours after eating before surgery, my surgery would be planned for 8pm that evening. We left the doctors office, and everyone was talking about the fact that I was going to be having an 11lb baby, and they all wanted to see her once she was born. We made all of the necessary calls. Cody was on his way home from work. My dad was leaving work early, and going to my house to pick up Remy to take her to their house for the weekend. My sister was coming to town (she lives about 45 minutes away). I dropped my mom off, and went home to get Cody. I was glad to have the few minutes of alone time driving, because a lot had happened in the last few hours and I really needed to process everything, and think about the fact that I was going to have a baby that evening!
When I got home, I explained the whole day to Cody as we got our final things together and headed to the hospital. I was so hungry, and so was Cody, but of course I couldn't eat. I didn't know when Cody would be able to eat, so he went through the McDonalds drive-thru on our way to the hospital. Once we got to the hospital and got to our room, they had me change and get in bed right away. We weren't even there 10 minutes before I was already being hooked up to things. They hooked me up to the monitor, and took my blood pressure, and started an IV of fluids, and put some compression socks on me. I was all hooked up and ready to go by 6pm. The nurse then told me that my surgery would be pushed back because they had to bring someone in for an emergency c-section. She said that they were told my surgery would be at 6pm, even though we thought it'd be at 8! I'm glad it wasn't that early, because none of our family was there yet.

Finally, it was time to go in. They had Cody wait in the room while they took me in. I remember the room being so bright, and the table seeming so small! They had me sit on the table, and lean over while they did my spinal. I was so worried that it was going to hurt, but it really didn't hurt too bad. I was leaning over a pillow, and Allison was hugging me so that I didn't move. I started to get dizzy, mostly because I was breathing into a pillow and it was hard to breath, and I think because I was getting nervous. I'd never had surgery before! Once the spinal started to work, my legs felt really warm before becoming completely numb. It was so weird to need help getting my bottom half back up on the table. Since they didn't want me to be completely flat on my back, they rolled me over and put a wedge under me, so I was slightly leaning toward the left. The whole thing felt so weird, since I couldn't move. I kept asking if I could help them by doing something, but they kept assuring me that even if I tried to help, I wouldn't be able to. At one point, my leg slid off the table and they had to jump to catch it. I felt bad that I couldn't just lift my leg up.
Cody came into the room at that point. They were getting ready to put a catheter in, which I was really nervous about. They kept assuring me that I was numb enough to where I wouldn't feel anything, which of course, I didn't. After Cody came in the room, the whole process went so fast. I remember the anesthesiologist talking to me the whole time. Cody luckily took a video of when they pulled her out. It was so incredible to see them pull this person out of my stomach. She was crying, but I don't remember hearing her. I asked over and over again why she wasn't crying, and they kept telling me she was. And then they told me that there was no way she was almost 11lbs. When they held her over the curtain for me to see her, all I could think about was how beautiful she was, and how she was much more beautiful than I could have imagined. They cleaned her up, and then Cody went with her back to our room, as they closed me up. When they were closing me up, they were talking about where to get dinner (which made me so sad because I was hungry but couldn't eat until the next day!), and they talked about my husbands restaurant. I told them that they could go in and tell them that they just delivered Cody's baby, and probably get some free food. :)
Once I got back to our room, I finally got to hold her. I was so in love with her. The nurses helped me get into a position so I could nurse her. I don't remember how long I nursed her for, but I was happy that I was able to nurse her so soon after she was born. After I was done, my family came in, and they all got to love on her, and then Cody's family came in after. It was pretty late by the time they left, so we all settled in and went to bed. They had to take Ellie to do some tests, and they ended up keeping her at the desk for a few hours, so we could get a couple of hours of sleep. I, of course, didn't sleep because I didn't really know they were going to keep her, so I stayed awake waiting for her to come back in. The nurse came in at 6am to help me out of bed and into the chair, because she needed to be fed.
After that, the next two days were a bit of a blur. We had lots of visitors, we spent a lot of time nursing and snuggling with our new baby, and we spent a lot of time not sleeping. It was a great couple of days, and coming home was hard and scary, but we have been surviving. Cody is back to work, and I'm home all day with Elliot, we've even got a routine down.
Sorry this is so long, but as I said, I wanted to get down as much as possible, for me to remember as well as share the experience with you. :)
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Elliot Grace
August 30, 2013
7 lbs 13 oz
Brown Hair, Blue Eyes.
Birth Story coming soon.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
39 Weeks!!!!!!!!
Okay so technically I don't hit the 39 week mark until tomorrow, but HOLY CRAP!!!! I have just about a week left until my due date!!! I know she could come late, and I know she could come early. So who actually knows, besides God, when we'll get to meet our little girl, but I'm so excited!!
Things are pretty much all set around here. The nursery is ALMOST ready to go. I just have some more organizing to do, but she has all the stuff set up that she would need to use in there. I moved the pack 'n play into the bedroom, so it's all ready to go for her to sleep in our room for a few weeks. We got our swing from our last shower, and it's all set up and in the living room. Our dog is still confused as to what it is, and will sometimes just sit and bark at it. I've been working at making sure to turn it on every day for a little bit so she gets used to the movement. I've been trying to keep up on the house cleaning. I haven't done any crazy, deep cleaning. The nesting instinct hasn't really hit me yet. But I know we'll end up with more people over here than we are used to, and I don't want to have to leave the house in a hurry and have a sink full of dishes, and laundry everywhere. Plus, because I've been basically a sitting duck, waiting for something to happen so it's been keeping me busy.
I can't wait to meet her!!!
Things are pretty much all set around here. The nursery is ALMOST ready to go. I just have some more organizing to do, but she has all the stuff set up that she would need to use in there. I moved the pack 'n play into the bedroom, so it's all ready to go for her to sleep in our room for a few weeks. We got our swing from our last shower, and it's all set up and in the living room. Our dog is still confused as to what it is, and will sometimes just sit and bark at it. I've been working at making sure to turn it on every day for a little bit so she gets used to the movement. I've been trying to keep up on the house cleaning. I haven't done any crazy, deep cleaning. The nesting instinct hasn't really hit me yet. But I know we'll end up with more people over here than we are used to, and I don't want to have to leave the house in a hurry and have a sink full of dishes, and laundry everywhere. Plus, because I've been basically a sitting duck, waiting for something to happen so it's been keeping me busy.
I can't wait to meet her!!!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Maternity Leave!
As of 8:15 this evening, I am officially on maternity leave! I originally was going to start maternity leave on August 5, but the restaurant has been extra busy the last couple of weeks, which means less breaks for me. I am generally on my feet for 7 or so hours before I get to sit down and eat anything, which has been really hard physically as I get further along. So, my boss was able to get me on leave a week early!
I've been really excited and nervous about it this last week. Being on maternity leave (and ultimately, being a stay at home mom since I don't plan on returning to work when my maternity leave is done) was always something that was so far away, and the fact that it's now here is so crazy. It just means that we are getting closer and closer to meeting our baby girl!
I have a lot of things that I have planned for the next few weeks, although I am a bit nervous that boredom, along with anxiousness, will take over. I want to clean the whole house (hopefully my nesting instinct will take over!) in order to make more room for baby stuff. I need to clean out both the car and the truck, and make sure the carseats get installed. I have to finish putting together the babys room. I need to pack bags for us all for the hospital. I want to get some meals together to freeze for some crockpot meals for after the baby is born, so we don't have to worry about dinner. Plus, it's my birthday this week, and there is a big festival going on that I want to make sure that I can spend some time going to. There's a craft show and a parade and fireworks so hopefully I will be able to make it to all of that. The girls from Cody's work are throwing me a shower on August 5, and then on August 12, there is a group of women who I met on facebook through a breast feeding group who are all into natural birth, and we are having a get together, which I'm also really excited about. I feel like I have a lot of stuff to do, but at the same time, I don't feel like I have that much to do. I am hoping to be able to get it all done before the baby gets here, although, I wouldn't mind if she came soon!
I will be 36 weeks along tomorrow, and I'm so happy there's only 4 weeks left! I have enjoyed having the baby all to myself, but I can't wait for Cody to meet her, and be able to share her with everyone. We have an ultrasound on Tuesday, and I am so excited to see how she has progressed from week 20, when we had our last ultrasound! It's so crazy to think that she can be born at any time now, and she will be okay.
I'm so excited to meet her!!!
I've been really excited and nervous about it this last week. Being on maternity leave (and ultimately, being a stay at home mom since I don't plan on returning to work when my maternity leave is done) was always something that was so far away, and the fact that it's now here is so crazy. It just means that we are getting closer and closer to meeting our baby girl!
I have a lot of things that I have planned for the next few weeks, although I am a bit nervous that boredom, along with anxiousness, will take over. I want to clean the whole house (hopefully my nesting instinct will take over!) in order to make more room for baby stuff. I need to clean out both the car and the truck, and make sure the carseats get installed. I have to finish putting together the babys room. I need to pack bags for us all for the hospital. I want to get some meals together to freeze for some crockpot meals for after the baby is born, so we don't have to worry about dinner. Plus, it's my birthday this week, and there is a big festival going on that I want to make sure that I can spend some time going to. There's a craft show and a parade and fireworks so hopefully I will be able to make it to all of that. The girls from Cody's work are throwing me a shower on August 5, and then on August 12, there is a group of women who I met on facebook through a breast feeding group who are all into natural birth, and we are having a get together, which I'm also really excited about. I feel like I have a lot of stuff to do, but at the same time, I don't feel like I have that much to do. I am hoping to be able to get it all done before the baby gets here, although, I wouldn't mind if she came soon!
I will be 36 weeks along tomorrow, and I'm so happy there's only 4 weeks left! I have enjoyed having the baby all to myself, but I can't wait for Cody to meet her, and be able to share her with everyone. We have an ultrasound on Tuesday, and I am so excited to see how she has progressed from week 20, when we had our last ultrasound! It's so crazy to think that she can be born at any time now, and she will be okay.
I'm so excited to meet her!!!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
34 Weeks
December 22.
That's the day that we found out our lives were about to change in bigger ways than we would understand.
I remember that day really well. It was a Saturday morning. Cody and I were laying in bed, talking about how we were glad that the world didn't end on December 21. My period was late, but I had stopped taking my birth control the month before, so my period was screwed up anyway. I had taken a test the week before, but it was negative. I hadn't told Cody that I'd tested, but the fact that my period was still late was making me nervous, so I told him before heading to the bathroom that my period was late, and I was gonna test just in case. I went back to bed, and we laid there talking, not thinking anything of the fact that it was possible I could be pregnant. About 5 minutes later, I went back to the bathroom...and it was positive. I sat there, staring at the stick, kind of in shock. I was sure it was a false positive. Cody kept calling my name, but I think when I didn't answer, he knew what the answer was. I went back in the bedroom, and we sat in silence. We were terrified. It wasn't something that we had been planning, but it wasn't something we were preventing, either.
Now here it is, 39 days away from my due date. She really could come at any time, and although we are still a little nervous, we are both so excited about meeting our baby. This whole pregnancy has been full of ups and downs, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I can't wait to meet her, learn about her, figure out what her personality is. I am so happy where we are at in our life right now, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!
That's the day that we found out our lives were about to change in bigger ways than we would understand.
I remember that day really well. It was a Saturday morning. Cody and I were laying in bed, talking about how we were glad that the world didn't end on December 21. My period was late, but I had stopped taking my birth control the month before, so my period was screwed up anyway. I had taken a test the week before, but it was negative. I hadn't told Cody that I'd tested, but the fact that my period was still late was making me nervous, so I told him before heading to the bathroom that my period was late, and I was gonna test just in case. I went back to bed, and we laid there talking, not thinking anything of the fact that it was possible I could be pregnant. About 5 minutes later, I went back to the bathroom...and it was positive. I sat there, staring at the stick, kind of in shock. I was sure it was a false positive. Cody kept calling my name, but I think when I didn't answer, he knew what the answer was. I went back in the bedroom, and we sat in silence. We were terrified. It wasn't something that we had been planning, but it wasn't something we were preventing, either.
Now here it is, 39 days away from my due date. She really could come at any time, and although we are still a little nervous, we are both so excited about meeting our baby. This whole pregnancy has been full of ups and downs, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I can't wait to meet her, learn about her, figure out what her personality is. I am so happy where we are at in our life right now, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!
Friday, June 21, 2013
30 Weeks
We're in the home stretch! Just under 10 weeks left until we get to meet our baby girl! So much has been going on in the past few weeks.
**We have started going to our doctor every 2 weeks. I really, really love our midwife, so I don't mind going all the time. She said that everything is going well. The babys heartrate is good, last appointment it was 131 bmp, and I'm fairly sure she was sleeping. I don't have any swelling, or any real huge issues, which she said she was surprised about, due to how much I'm on my feet at work. She did cut me back 10 hours a week, so that has helped out, I'm sure. I do have some nerve pain in my hip, which she said is normal and could probably be fixed by going to the chiropractor, but I'm not a huge fan of them and don't know if I'll do that.
**Cody got a raise! Him and his boss had been in talks about how much to give him, etc. They worked out a deal, and his raise is just about how much I was making working at the restaurant, so when I stop working to stay home with the baby, we won't have to worry about money as much!
**Speaking of staying home, we've decided when I'll be done with work. August 5 will be my last day! It's right before my one year anniversary, so I'm hoping that they will let me use my one week of vacation before I am on "maternity leave". We've been in such a limbo trying to figure out what to do as far as work, and when I should be done, and when I should tell them that I'm not coming back. Since I carry the insurance, which we need for the delivery, I can't really quit until after the delivery. I feel guilty because I know that they want to know sooner rather than later, so they can get someone in to replace me. But I also know that I need to do whats best for my family, and right now that means keeping insurance until after the baby is born.
**I had my first baby shower last night! It was so much fun. My aunts and cousin put it together and it was great. About 20 people showed up, so it was a good turn out. We got lots of great stuff, including some stuff that I was worried about not having! My mom bought us our car seat/stroller travel system, my aunts all pitched in and got us a pack 'n play, my brother and sister in law got us a bouncy seat. We got lots of clothes, some diapers and wipes, and some toys. It was great! I spent the late hours of the night last night putting together the bouncy seat, pack 'n play, and stroller/carseat. My house is beginning to look like a baby lives here! I'm going to spend this afternoon before work putting all the clothes away. I still have to wash them, but I figure I need something to do when I'm off for 2 weeks before my due date. :)
**We have one week left of our Bradley Birthing class! It's been a long 12 weeks, and we've learned so much. I'm hoping that we can put everything we learned to use, and be able to have a drama free, easy, med free birth.
**We have started going to our doctor every 2 weeks. I really, really love our midwife, so I don't mind going all the time. She said that everything is going well. The babys heartrate is good, last appointment it was 131 bmp, and I'm fairly sure she was sleeping. I don't have any swelling, or any real huge issues, which she said she was surprised about, due to how much I'm on my feet at work. She did cut me back 10 hours a week, so that has helped out, I'm sure. I do have some nerve pain in my hip, which she said is normal and could probably be fixed by going to the chiropractor, but I'm not a huge fan of them and don't know if I'll do that.
**Cody got a raise! Him and his boss had been in talks about how much to give him, etc. They worked out a deal, and his raise is just about how much I was making working at the restaurant, so when I stop working to stay home with the baby, we won't have to worry about money as much!
**Speaking of staying home, we've decided when I'll be done with work. August 5 will be my last day! It's right before my one year anniversary, so I'm hoping that they will let me use my one week of vacation before I am on "maternity leave". We've been in such a limbo trying to figure out what to do as far as work, and when I should be done, and when I should tell them that I'm not coming back. Since I carry the insurance, which we need for the delivery, I can't really quit until after the delivery. I feel guilty because I know that they want to know sooner rather than later, so they can get someone in to replace me. But I also know that I need to do whats best for my family, and right now that means keeping insurance until after the baby is born.
**I had my first baby shower last night! It was so much fun. My aunts and cousin put it together and it was great. About 20 people showed up, so it was a good turn out. We got lots of great stuff, including some stuff that I was worried about not having! My mom bought us our car seat/stroller travel system, my aunts all pitched in and got us a pack 'n play, my brother and sister in law got us a bouncy seat. We got lots of clothes, some diapers and wipes, and some toys. It was great! I spent the late hours of the night last night putting together the bouncy seat, pack 'n play, and stroller/carseat. My house is beginning to look like a baby lives here! I'm going to spend this afternoon before work putting all the clothes away. I still have to wash them, but I figure I need something to do when I'm off for 2 weeks before my due date. :)
**We have one week left of our Bradley Birthing class! It's been a long 12 weeks, and we've learned so much. I'm hoping that we can put everything we learned to use, and be able to have a drama free, easy, med free birth.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Week 27
Sorry I have been sort of absent from this blog for a while! I'm not really sure anyone is reading it anyway, so I haven't been in a huge hurry to write anything. :)
So I'm not sure how much I've written about this yet, but we have decided to switch from an OB/GYN to a midwife to deliver the baby. We also switched hospitals. The one that we are going to deliver at now is in the town that we both grew up in, and it's about 30 minutes away from where we currently live. It's such a difference in atmosphere from the old hospital that we were planning on delivering at. It's much nicer, much quieter, it's in a much better neighborhood. Plus, I LOVE my midwife. She's a certified nurse midwife, and since she's affiliated with the hospital, we will always have a doctor around in case something goes wrong. A lot of people that I've talked to are afraid that with a midwife, if something goes wrong, I won't have anyone there to help, but that's not true at all. She is all about delayed cord clamping, which is something that I've just started learning about, and she is willing to do anything she can to make sure I have a natural, unmedicated birth. She said at 5cms dilated, she will sit with me until the baby is born. She will make sure that there aren't a million people coming in and out of the room. I just feel so good about the whole situation, and now I'm excited for the delivery!
Up until just recently, I haven't felt much movement from the baby. Since I have an anterior placenta, it blocks a lot of the feelings I'd have from the baby moving. But over the last week or so, I think that I've been feeling a lot more movement, which makes me so excited!!
We have a great start on the nursery! There was a silent auction that Cody's dad went to, and he bought us a crib and changing table! Very unexpected, but we're so happy that he did, because it saves us the money! It came with a brand new mattress and sheet set. Then we went to Ikea last week and bought some decorations for the nursery, as well as an awesome bookshelf. It's looking so great! When it's closer to done, I'll make sure to post some pictures!
So I'm not sure how much I've written about this yet, but we have decided to switch from an OB/GYN to a midwife to deliver the baby. We also switched hospitals. The one that we are going to deliver at now is in the town that we both grew up in, and it's about 30 minutes away from where we currently live. It's such a difference in atmosphere from the old hospital that we were planning on delivering at. It's much nicer, much quieter, it's in a much better neighborhood. Plus, I LOVE my midwife. She's a certified nurse midwife, and since she's affiliated with the hospital, we will always have a doctor around in case something goes wrong. A lot of people that I've talked to are afraid that with a midwife, if something goes wrong, I won't have anyone there to help, but that's not true at all. She is all about delayed cord clamping, which is something that I've just started learning about, and she is willing to do anything she can to make sure I have a natural, unmedicated birth. She said at 5cms dilated, she will sit with me until the baby is born. She will make sure that there aren't a million people coming in and out of the room. I just feel so good about the whole situation, and now I'm excited for the delivery!
Up until just recently, I haven't felt much movement from the baby. Since I have an anterior placenta, it blocks a lot of the feelings I'd have from the baby moving. But over the last week or so, I think that I've been feeling a lot more movement, which makes me so excited!!
We have a great start on the nursery! There was a silent auction that Cody's dad went to, and he bought us a crib and changing table! Very unexpected, but we're so happy that he did, because it saves us the money! It came with a brand new mattress and sheet set. Then we went to Ikea last week and bought some decorations for the nursery, as well as an awesome bookshelf. It's looking so great! When it's closer to done, I'll make sure to post some pictures!
Monday, April 15, 2013
21 Weeks!!
Well, it's official.............
Baby C is a.............................
We had our gender reveal party yesterday and it was so much fun! And believe me when I tell you how shocked we all were that we're having a girl! I was sure that she was going to be a boy. My mom told me after that she told me she would have loved the baby either way, but that she was really hoping for a girl. My dad and cody are still going to be the only boys in our family!
There are so many things that have been going through my mind all night since we found out that we are having a girl. I have a lot of friends who have grown up and are emotionally scared because of issues from their childhood. I don't ever want my little girl to have some of the insecurities that I have had, or that they have. My childhood was great, but that doesn't mean I love myself all the time. I want my baby to know that she is so loved, and so beautiful, and that she can do anything she wants to do. I don't ever want her to feel like she isn't good enough. I hope she grows up to be a strong, confident, beautiful woman.
Baby C is a.............................
We had our gender reveal party yesterday and it was so much fun! And believe me when I tell you how shocked we all were that we're having a girl! I was sure that she was going to be a boy. My mom told me after that she told me she would have loved the baby either way, but that she was really hoping for a girl. My dad and cody are still going to be the only boys in our family!
There are so many things that have been going through my mind all night since we found out that we are having a girl. I have a lot of friends who have grown up and are emotionally scared because of issues from their childhood. I don't ever want my little girl to have some of the insecurities that I have had, or that they have. My childhood was great, but that doesn't mean I love myself all the time. I want my baby to know that she is so loved, and so beautiful, and that she can do anything she wants to do. I don't ever want her to feel like she isn't good enough. I hope she grows up to be a strong, confident, beautiful woman.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
19 Weeks!!
One more week and I'm HALFWAY THERE! My mom and I were talking on Easter about how slow this pregnancy seems to be going, when everyone around me seems to be flying through theirs. I had to remind her though, that we found out we were pregnant at 4 weeks, and we told them right after we found out (I know you aren't supposed to tell until after the first trimester, but it was Christmas, I had to tell!) and so it seems like I've been pregnant for such a long time. I think that once we find out the gender of the baby, and start actually getting the nursery ready, and buying clothes and getting ready for the baby to be here, the second half will fly by!
I didn't write right after my doctors appointment on Thursday....sorry! I'm a terrible blogger, turns out. :) First of all, it was super awkward, because the nurse that took my weight, blood pressure, pulse, and all that jazz was a girl that I used to babysit for! Definitely made me feel old! Babys heart rate is 130 (totally in the boy zone!) and my doctor says that everything looks good from what she could tell. I did ask her about the cramping, and she said that since it only happened for a little bit and then went away, she is thinkin that it is round ligament pain. I have an ultrasound on the 10th and she said we could take a look at my cervix then and make sure everything is good, but she isn't too concerned about it. I haven't had any strong cramping like that since, so I am gonna just write it off as round ligament pain as well.
A little less than 2 weeks until our gender reveal party! I am so excited, I can't even stand it. Cody's mom is positive that the baby is a boy. I'm about 70% sure that it's a boy, but we will see for sure in 12 days!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!
I didn't write right after my doctors appointment on Thursday....sorry! I'm a terrible blogger, turns out. :) First of all, it was super awkward, because the nurse that took my weight, blood pressure, pulse, and all that jazz was a girl that I used to babysit for! Definitely made me feel old! Babys heart rate is 130 (totally in the boy zone!) and my doctor says that everything looks good from what she could tell. I did ask her about the cramping, and she said that since it only happened for a little bit and then went away, she is thinkin that it is round ligament pain. I have an ultrasound on the 10th and she said we could take a look at my cervix then and make sure everything is good, but she isn't too concerned about it. I haven't had any strong cramping like that since, so I am gonna just write it off as round ligament pain as well.
A little less than 2 weeks until our gender reveal party! I am so excited, I can't even stand it. Cody's mom is positive that the baby is a boy. I'm about 70% sure that it's a boy, but we will see for sure in 12 days!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!
Baby Update!
HOW FAR ALONG: 19 Weeks 1 Day!
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Only maternity pants at work....but it seems that all my shirts are getting shorter, so I may need to invest in some soon!
WEIGHT GAIN: I've only gained .8 of a pound! My mom didn't gain any weight during her pregnancy, she actually lost weight, so I have a feeling I'll follow in her footsteps!
STRETCH MARKS: No new ones!
SLEEP: I've been sleeping decent. My hips tend to ache after work, so it's been hard to fall asleep right away.
CRAVINGS: Chips and Salsa. And vinegar-y foods, like ketchup, italian dressing, and pickles.
MISS ANYTHING?: I am aware this may make me sound like an alcoholic, but I miss being able to have a drink. Cody and I went to a party for his work, and I wished I could have just had one drink. I stuck to my water, but man I wanted a beer! Plus, Oberon is finally out, which means summer!
MOVEMENT: Nothing yet. I asked the doctor about this the other day, and she said that I still have a few weeks until I for sure should feel movement.
BELLY BUTTON: It's still an innie!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Monday night, I was having all sorts of weird dreams. One particular dream I had, the baby was a boy (that makes 2 boy dreams, 1 girl dream), but in my dream I was also having terrible cramping. Well, I woke up around 6am and realized that I was having real cramps, not just dream cramps. They were in my lower left stomach, almost by my hips. I couldn't get comfortable in bed, so I got up and slept on the couch. The cramps weren't awful, but they were pretty annoying. I couldn't fall asleep on the couch, so I pretty much just laid there the rest of the morning. I called the phone nurse at my doctors office around 9:30, hoping she would tell me if it was a normal pain (I read online that it could be round ligament pains), or if it was something that I should get checked out. About an hour later, I began to feel nauseated, and ended up getting sick. First time I've gotten sick this entire pregnancy! Soon after, the cramping went away, and besides some random pain I had from walking around, I didn't have any cramps the rest of the day. I had a little bit of cramping today, same area, but that went away after about 20 minutes, so hopefully it's nothing big. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, so I'll ask about it then and let you all know what she says.
I am currently debating with myself on whether or not to switch doctors/hospitals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my current doctor. I like her, as far as I know. I talked with her a little bit about my desire to have a natural birth, and she seemed all about it, and even suggested the Bradley Method Classes that I am interested in taking. I talked to my mom a couple of days ago, and she works in the ICU of a hospital. A lot of her coworkers have recently had babies, and one night they were discussing hospitals for child birth. Now, just to give you an idea of what is around me, I basically live in the middle of two hospitals. The hospital that I had planned on having the baby at is about 10-15 minutes away. There's another hospital that is about 15-20 minutes away. Well, my mom said that when her and her coworkers were talking about which hospital to go to, she said that all of the ladies hands down said they would choose the hospital that is 15-20 minutes away. The things that made me want to switch to that hospital is 1)it's in the town that I grew up in, and it's where my primary doctor is, 2) both of our families live in that town, and 3) They have midwives within the birthing center. The ladies my mom works with all said that the hospital is more updated, the town is smaller so the birthing center usually isn't so busy, which means it's quieter, and they said the nurses are all much more involved and friendly, unlike the other hospital, where they aren't bad, but they treat you more like just another patient, instead of getting to know you on a personal level. I've talked to a lot of people who say I will be fine no matter which way I go. I just am trying to decide if I want to go through all the hassle of switching over to the other hospital. I only have my appointment tomorrow, and then my April 10 Gender Ultrasound appointment left, so I figure after that, I can start making appointments at the other place if I choose to switch over.
I will update again after my appointment tomorrow! :)
I am currently debating with myself on whether or not to switch doctors/hospitals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with my current doctor. I like her, as far as I know. I talked with her a little bit about my desire to have a natural birth, and she seemed all about it, and even suggested the Bradley Method Classes that I am interested in taking. I talked to my mom a couple of days ago, and she works in the ICU of a hospital. A lot of her coworkers have recently had babies, and one night they were discussing hospitals for child birth. Now, just to give you an idea of what is around me, I basically live in the middle of two hospitals. The hospital that I had planned on having the baby at is about 10-15 minutes away. There's another hospital that is about 15-20 minutes away. Well, my mom said that when her and her coworkers were talking about which hospital to go to, she said that all of the ladies hands down said they would choose the hospital that is 15-20 minutes away. The things that made me want to switch to that hospital is 1)it's in the town that I grew up in, and it's where my primary doctor is, 2) both of our families live in that town, and 3) They have midwives within the birthing center. The ladies my mom works with all said that the hospital is more updated, the town is smaller so the birthing center usually isn't so busy, which means it's quieter, and they said the nurses are all much more involved and friendly, unlike the other hospital, where they aren't bad, but they treat you more like just another patient, instead of getting to know you on a personal level. I've talked to a lot of people who say I will be fine no matter which way I go. I just am trying to decide if I want to go through all the hassle of switching over to the other hospital. I only have my appointment tomorrow, and then my April 10 Gender Ultrasound appointment left, so I figure after that, I can start making appointments at the other place if I choose to switch over.
I will update again after my appointment tomorrow! :)
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Gender Test
So a friend of mine told me yesterday about a gender test you could take using Baking Soda. You take about a tablespoon of baking soda, and put it in a cup, and pee in the cup. If the baking soda fizzes, you're having a boy, and if it's still, you're having a girl! Well I tried yesterday afternoon and it was still - girl! I told Cody about it, and for the first time he admitted to me that he wouldn't mind having a girl! He generally tells me he just wants a boy. I know he'd love it either way, but yesterday he said he'd love to have a girl, too!
Well, apparently this test works best if you use first morning urine, so I tried it again this morning and it fizzed - which means boy! So I almost think it's safe to say this test isn't really an accurate test, but it was fun to try!
Well, apparently this test works best if you use first morning urine, so I tried it again this morning and it fizzed - which means boy! So I almost think it's safe to say this test isn't really an accurate test, but it was fun to try!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
17 Weeks!
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted! Between work, and baby stuff, it's been pretty busy around here!
Last Monday, we were scheduled to go to a "prenatal class". When we made the appointment back in January, she told us that it was the class that would take us around the hospital, and show us where we'd be at during the birth. So we were pretty excited for this class! Monday, we get a phone call about 45 minutes before the class was supposed to start. It was the nurse, saying that they weren't sure how many people were going to be at the class, so they were trying to get a headcount. And they said that if there wasn't enough people coming, that they were going to reschedule the class for next month. She said she would call back if they decided to cancel.
We never heard from her, so we figured enough people were going, so we packed up and headed to the doctors office. When we got there, it was only us and one other couple. Apparently, that was enough to keep the class this month. Oh well, we figured we'd just get more of an intimate class and we'd be able to ask more questions. The nurse brought us back into a small conference room in the office, and started a slide show. It went through things like, what vitamins to take, how to deal with pain when sleeping....nothing that we hadn't already heard before. The slide show was about 12 slides (and the nurse read every slide word for word), and when it was done, she asked if we had any questions, and had us fill out a survey about how the class was. We were so confused. That was it?! We were there for literally 20 minutes. It was definitely a waste of time.
Thursday, Cody and I were both off of work, so we decided to go shopping. Most of my work pants don't fit right anymore, so I really needed to find some maternity pants. Also, we wanted to find something to buy for the baby. Since we don't know the gender yet, I feel like there isn't a whole lot we can buy. So, we bought books! We got a really cute bedtime book, and some other little books like The Hungry Caterpillar, and a couple other books that we found that are cute. I can't wait until the nursery is set up so we have somewhere to put them!
Last Monday, we were scheduled to go to a "prenatal class". When we made the appointment back in January, she told us that it was the class that would take us around the hospital, and show us where we'd be at during the birth. So we were pretty excited for this class! Monday, we get a phone call about 45 minutes before the class was supposed to start. It was the nurse, saying that they weren't sure how many people were going to be at the class, so they were trying to get a headcount. And they said that if there wasn't enough people coming, that they were going to reschedule the class for next month. She said she would call back if they decided to cancel.
We never heard from her, so we figured enough people were going, so we packed up and headed to the doctors office. When we got there, it was only us and one other couple. Apparently, that was enough to keep the class this month. Oh well, we figured we'd just get more of an intimate class and we'd be able to ask more questions. The nurse brought us back into a small conference room in the office, and started a slide show. It went through things like, what vitamins to take, how to deal with pain when sleeping....nothing that we hadn't already heard before. The slide show was about 12 slides (and the nurse read every slide word for word), and when it was done, she asked if we had any questions, and had us fill out a survey about how the class was. We were so confused. That was it?! We were there for literally 20 minutes. It was definitely a waste of time.
Thursday, Cody and I were both off of work, so we decided to go shopping. Most of my work pants don't fit right anymore, so I really needed to find some maternity pants. Also, we wanted to find something to buy for the baby. Since we don't know the gender yet, I feel like there isn't a whole lot we can buy. So, we bought books! We got a really cute bedtime book, and some other little books like The Hungry Caterpillar, and a couple other books that we found that are cute. I can't wait until the nursery is set up so we have somewhere to put them!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
14 Weeks
Yay! I'm officially out of my first trimester! I've been doing some reading, and there is apparently a disagreement among some people whether the first week of the second trimester is week 13 or 14, but either way, I'm there now! I'm feeling fantastic. I still am having such a hard time believing that I'm pregnant, only because I don't really feel any different. I've seen the ultrasounds, I've even heard the heartbeat - but it's still not connecting for some reason. Hopefully soon I'll start to show, and I'll start to feel the baby move, and then it will become more real!
Today Cody and I went and bought all the stuff for our gender reveal party. We decided that we are going to have a party with our friends and family, with a cake that will be dyed either pink or blue on the inside, so we can find out all together! It's going to be super fun and super cute. We got the plates, cups, decorations, and I even ordered some super cute invitations on VistaPrint! I'm so excited for them to get here! The party won't be until April, because I won't be having my 20 week ultrasound until then. I'm so excited to find out what our little peanut is going to be! I am so anxious to start making final decisions on the nursery, and be able to make our registry. We have been looking at getting new carpet in the babys room but thats looking like it's going to have to wait for a while. We are trying to save up some money to pay off some of our CC debt so that we can talk to the bank about buying the restaurant that Cody works at. If we are able to do that, then I could definitely be a stay at home mom, which is my DREAM!
I've also been reading up a lot on natural childbirth. This is something that Cody has always been really big on, but I was always sure that I would never be able to do it. But the more I read up on it, the more I think I need to do it, for the health and safety of my little peanut. I want to be non medicated as long as possible. We are looking into taking Bradley Method classes, to learn how to have a natural childbirth. I'll let you all know more as I learn!
Today Cody and I went and bought all the stuff for our gender reveal party. We decided that we are going to have a party with our friends and family, with a cake that will be dyed either pink or blue on the inside, so we can find out all together! It's going to be super fun and super cute. We got the plates, cups, decorations, and I even ordered some super cute invitations on VistaPrint! I'm so excited for them to get here! The party won't be until April, because I won't be having my 20 week ultrasound until then. I'm so excited to find out what our little peanut is going to be! I am so anxious to start making final decisions on the nursery, and be able to make our registry. We have been looking at getting new carpet in the babys room but thats looking like it's going to have to wait for a while. We are trying to save up some money to pay off some of our CC debt so that we can talk to the bank about buying the restaurant that Cody works at. If we are able to do that, then I could definitely be a stay at home mom, which is my DREAM!
I've also been reading up a lot on natural childbirth. This is something that Cody has always been really big on, but I was always sure that I would never be able to do it. But the more I read up on it, the more I think I need to do it, for the health and safety of my little peanut. I want to be non medicated as long as possible. We are looking into taking Bradley Method classes, to learn how to have a natural childbirth. I'll let you all know more as I learn!
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Baby Updates!
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Not yet, but some of my larger pants are getting snug! I may need to get some new pants soon!
STRETCH MARKS: Being a plus size girl, I already have some, but I haven't seen any new ones yet!
CRAVINGS: I have been eating the crap out of some Caesar Salads! Craving sweets much more, and chips much more than usual. Also, since it's close to Easter, Dove released the most amazing chocolate eggs I've ever eaten. They are coconut cream, and I literally could eat an entire bag in one sitting.
SLEEP: I've been sleeping just like normal. Nothing really out of the ordinary.
DREAMS: I haven't had any weird dreams lately. I had a lot during weeks 6-10, but nothing weird lately! Although, I have been having dreams about work....
SYMPTOMS: Just being sleepy. While I haven't had any morning sickness, I have had days where I feel nauseous after eating. They are coming few and far between now, though, instead of every day.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Hi Everyone!
If you followed me from my other blog, ...Losing it...., Thanks for coming! And if you're a new reader, Welcome!!!
I have been writing on my other blog for quite some time now. It's a blog that has helped me get all my thoughts and feelings out about my journey to finding a healthier me. And although I am still on that journey, I find myself in a position where I need to write about another journey....my pregnancy!
I will be posting pictures, inspirations, feelings, thoughts....anything I feel for the next 6 months!
Stay tuned! :)
If you followed me from my other blog, ...Losing it...., Thanks for coming! And if you're a new reader, Welcome!!!
I have been writing on my other blog for quite some time now. It's a blog that has helped me get all my thoughts and feelings out about my journey to finding a healthier me. And although I am still on that journey, I find myself in a position where I need to write about another journey....my pregnancy!
I will be posting pictures, inspirations, feelings, thoughts....anything I feel for the next 6 months!
Stay tuned! :)
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