Saturday, March 16, 2013

17 Weeks!

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted!  Between work, and baby stuff, it's been pretty busy around here! 

Last Monday, we were scheduled to go to a "prenatal class". When we made the appointment back in January, she told us that it was the class that would take us around the hospital, and show us where we'd be at during the birth.  So we were pretty excited for this class!  Monday, we get a phone call about 45 minutes before the class was supposed to start.  It was the nurse, saying that they weren't sure how many people were going to be at the class, so they were trying to get a headcount.  And they said that if there wasn't enough people coming, that they were going to reschedule the class for next month. She said she would call back if they decided to cancel.

We never heard from her, so we figured enough people were going, so we packed up and headed to the doctors office.  When we got there, it was only us and one other couple.  Apparently, that was enough to keep the class this month.  Oh well, we figured we'd just get more of an intimate class and we'd be able to ask more questions.  The nurse brought us back into a small conference room in the office, and started a slide show.  It went through things like, what vitamins to take, how to deal with pain when sleeping....nothing that we hadn't already heard before.  The slide show was about 12 slides (and the nurse read every slide word for word), and when it was done, she asked if we had any questions, and had us fill out a survey about how the class was.  We were so confused.  That was it?! We were there for literally 20 minutes.  It was definitely a waste of time. 

Thursday, Cody and I were both off of work, so we decided to go shopping.  Most of my work pants don't fit right anymore, so I really needed to find some maternity pants.  Also, we wanted to find something to buy for the baby.  Since we don't know the gender yet, I feel like there isn't a whole lot we can buy.  So, we bought books!  We got a really cute bedtime book, and some other little books like The Hungry Caterpillar, and a couple other books that we found that are cute.  I can't wait until the nursery is set up so we have somewhere to put them!

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, I have never found those baby classes too interesting. We only ever did one for the first baby and NONE for the other two. Unless you get into all that crazy breathing stuff there is not too much to "learn" about having a baby ;)
