Saturday, March 23, 2013

Gender Test

So a friend of mine told me yesterday about a gender test you could take using Baking Soda.  You take about a tablespoon of baking soda, and put it in a cup, and pee in the cup.  If the baking soda fizzes, you're having a boy, and if it's still, you're having a girl!  Well I tried yesterday afternoon and it was still - girl!  I told Cody about it, and for the first time he admitted to me that he wouldn't mind having a girl!  He generally tells me he just wants a boy. I know he'd love it either way, but yesterday he said he'd love to have a girl, too! 

Well, apparently this test works best if you use first morning urine, so I tried it again this morning and it fizzed - which means boy!  So I almost think it's safe to say this test isn't really an accurate test, but it was fun to try! 

1 comment:

  1. I had never heard of that before, but wow... it's kinda funny! Why do pregnant women have to pee on everything for answers?! :P Hugs girl! Are you going to find out and tell us all at 20 weeks?
